Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jets VS Steelers

Today, instead of coming home and relaxing all day (watching TV, sleeping, playing video games) we got to go to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Jets versus Steelers game on 3 huge flat screen TVs. The picture was awesome, and by the random shouts of fans and cheering I figured that their teams were winning. Instead of watching the game, though, I decided to play games on these weird things that look like giant calculators. They were called Playmates I think. They asked us sports and random trivia questions. It was pretty cool, but I think the best part was when I won on the "Wild Trivia" competition. W00T W00T!

I felt so smart until I realized that the only people playing in that round were me and my sister Brenna. Then I felt stupid (as usual) and waited for the next game to begin. Not W00T W00T... But I still had a lot of fun listening to angry fans yell "Get the ball!" or in a furious tone, "Pass the wings!" It was pretty amusing to listen to their angry shouts of sadness as the Steelers pulled ahead. But, right now it sounds like things are getting better. My dad just yelled "Yeah!" at the TV screen and then stuffed something quickly into his mouth. Typical football fan. I just checked out the scores online and the Steelers are still winning 24 to 10. At least that is better than the Jets having nothing, right?

So, I know this is a long blog post, but I am kind of bored and I feel like writing (typing) what happened today down because it was a really fun time. I am really glad I didn't stay home like I wanted to. So, next time your parents ask you if you want to go to Buffalo Wild Wings, don't hesitate to put on you coat, grab some antidepressants, and hustle out the door. Because it is way better than sitting on your bed, waiting for something to happen.

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